Tuesday, December 11, 2012

major buffer systems in the body

Major chemical buffers in the body

Bicarbonate buffer

A normal adult produces about 300 L of CO2 daily from metabolism. CO2 from tissues enters the capillary blood, where it reacts with water to form H2CO3, which dissociates instantly to yield H+ and HCO3 .

Blood pH would rapidly fall to lethal levels if the H2CO3 formed from CO2 were allowed to accumulate in the body.
Fortunately, H2CO3 produced from metabolic CO2 is only formed transiently in the transport of CO2 by the blood and does not normally accumulate. Instead, it is converted to CO2 and water in the pulmonary capillaries and the CO2 is expired. As long as CO2 is expired as fast as it is produced, arterial blood CO2 tension, H2CO3 concentration, and pH do not change.

pK of the HCO3-/CO2 is 6.1.
pH of plasma is 7.4.
 According to Henderson-Hasselbalch equation

7.4 = 6.1 + log [HCO3-]/ [CO2]

1.3= log [HCO3-]/ [CO2]

20= [HCO3-]/ [CO2]

i.e. At pH 7.4, concentration of bicarbonate should be 20 times that of Carbon dioxide.

As described in the previous post, it is the salt portion that neutralizes external acids, so a higher concentration of bicarbonate should suffice. This explains the relative importance of bicarbonate/CO2 buffer over other buffers because most metabolic end products are acidic in nature.

Concentration of HCO3 -   in plasma or ECF normally averages 24 mmol/L.  CO2 is measured from PCO2 which is about 40 mm Hg and that amounts to 1.2mmol/L of CO2 (0.03* 40) {The solubility coefficient for CO2 in plasma at 37°C is 0.03 mmol CO2/L per mm Hg PCO2 }.  Although the concentration of dissolved CO2 is lower, metabolism provides a nearly limitless supply. Hence [HCO3-]/ [CO2] = 24/1.2=20 supports the theoretical calculations performed above using Henderson-Hasselbalch equation.

The Henderson-Hasselbalch Equation for HCO3_/CO2
In aqueous solutions:

CO2(d)   +    H2O      give       H2CO3

At equilibrium, CO2(d) is greatly favored; at body temperature,  [CO2(d)] : [H2CO3] is about 400:1 [If [CO2(d)] is 1.2 mmol/L, then [H2CO3] equals 3 μmol/L].

H2CO3     instantaneously breaks into H+ + HCO3-

The Henderson-Hasselbalch Equation for the above equation is:

pH= 3.5 +  log [HCO3-]/ [H2CO3]

H2CO3 is a fairly strong acid (pKa = 3.5). Its low concentration in body fluids lessens its impact on acidity. Because [H2CO3] is so low and hard to measure so [CO2(d)] is used instead.

pH= 3.5 +  log [HCO3-]/ [CO2(d)]/400

pH= 3.5+ log 400 + log [HCO3-]/ [CO2(d)]

pH= 6.1+ log [HCO3-]/ [CO2(d)]

pH= 6.1+ log [HCO3-]/ 0.03*pCO2

pH= 6.1  + log [24]/[1.2]


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